Sample Report
Below is a sample of the Preview Report for the Quarterly Dialysis Facility Care Compare (QDFCC). This document shows the structure and content of a report, but it is a sample only and does not contain the data for any particular facility, state, or region.
Sample of Quarterly Dialysis Facility Care Compare - Preview Report
Below is the Guide for the Quarterly Dialysis Facility Care Compare (QDFCC) Preview Report. This document provides a detailed description of the contents of the QDFCC Report that will help facilities to interpret the data summaries that will be reported on the DFCC website.
Guide to the Quarterly Dialysis Facility Care Compare - Preview Report
Data Dictionary
Below is the Data Dictionary for the Quarterly Dialysis Facility Care Compare (QDFCC) downloadable data file.
Data Dictionary for Quarterly Dialysis Facility Care Compare - Downloadable File
General Reporting Timeline
- July DFCC preview report for October Care Compare release: Full calendar year data
- November DFCC preview report for January Care Compare refresh: Q1 - includes data from April 1 – March 31 of the following year
- February DFCC preview report for April Care Compare refresh: Q2 - includes data from July 1 – June 30 of the following year
- May DFCC preview report for July Care Compare refresh: Q3 - Includes data from October 1 – September 30 of the following year
QDFCC Diagnosis Codes
Diagnosis Codes Used in Standardized Mortality Ratio (SMR) and Standardized Hospitalization Ratio (SHR)
This document lists the ICD-10 codes for prevalent comorbidities used in the Standardized Mortality Ratio and Standardized Hospitalization Ratio quality measure calculations for dialysis facilities.
Diagnosis Codes Used in Standardized Readmission Ratio (SRR)
This document lists the ICD-10 codes used in the Standardized Readmissions Ratio quality measure calculations for dialysis facilities. The file includes a separate tab for each exclusions.
Diagnosis Codes Used in Standardized Emergency Department Encounter Ratio (SEDR) and Standardized Emergency Department Encounters Occurring within 30 Days of Hospital Discharge Ratio (ED30)
This document lists the ICD-10 codes used in the Standardized Emergency Department Encounter Ratio (SEDR) and Standardized Emergency Department Encounters Occurring within 30 Days of Hospital Discharge Ratio (ED30) quality measure calculations.
Diagnosis Codes Used in Standardized Transfusion Ratio (STrR), Vascular Access Types, and Dialysis Adequacy
This document lists all codes (i.e., ICD-10, HCPCS) used in the calculations of the following quality measures: Standardized Transfusion Ratio, Vascular Access Types, and Dialysis Adequacy.
Measure Specifications
The Measure Information Forms (MIFs) that describe the specifications for each measure reported on DFCC can be found on the ESRD Measures page.
Star Rating Measure Scoring Tables and Instructions
Below are the Star Rating Measure Scoring Tables and Instructions for the Quality of Patient Care Star Rating. This document provides additional information to support the data displayed in the QDFCC Report and the Guide to the QDFCC Report. In the document, you can follow the instructions to calculate individual measure scores and review where your facility lies within each measure score, domain score, and final score for star rating. The tables can be used to identify areas for improvement for future star ratings.
Star Rating Measure Scoring Tables and Instructions
Below are the Technical Notes on the Quality of Patient Care Star Rating Methodology. This document describes in detail the methodology that is used in the star rating calculations.
Technical Notes on the Dialysis Facility Quality of Patient Care Star Rating Methodology
Previous Star Rating Technical Documentation
Technical Notes on the DFCC Star Rating Original Methodology
This document describes the original statistical methods used in the DFCC to calculate the October 2015 Star Rating.
Technical Notes on the Updated DFCC Star Rating Methodology
This document describes the updated statistical methods used in the DFCC to calculate the Star Rating. This methodology was used for the October 2016 – April 2018 star rating releases. This methodology was replaced with the October 2018 release.
Technical Notes on the Updated DFCC Star Rating Methodology for the October 2018 Release
This document describes the updated DFCC Star Rating Methodology that was implemented in the October 2018 DFCC Star Rating Release. This methodology was used for the October 2018 - October 2020 star rating releases. This methodology was replaced with the October 2023 release.
Previous Star Rating FAQ
CMS Responses to Questions and Comments about the Dialysis Facility Compare (DFCC) Star Ratings
This document provides responses to the questions and issues raised by the ESRD community about the Star Rating system.