About DialysisData
DialysisData.org is administered by the University of Michigan Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center. This website is the home of the Dialysis Facility Reports, the Quarterly Dialysis Facility Care Compare Reports, and State and Regional Profiles. Use the navigation above to navigate to the reports that are available for your review.
If you have any questions about the website or your report, please review the Frequently Asked Questions, or contact the helpdesk by clicking on the "comments & inquiries" tab and selecting the appropriate question type. The helpdesk can also be reached by calling or e-mailing dialysisdata@umich.edu.
Update about the availablity of patient lists for DFCC preview reports
At this time, CMS will no longer provide patient lists upon request to dialysis facilities during the preview period. We understand that this has been a helpful tool in reviewing your data. We are continuing to explore options for facilities to have access to this data in the future.